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ResearchScientific Evidence of the Therapeutic Effects of Dead Sea Treatments: A Systematic Review

Scientific Evidence of the Therapeutic Effects of Dead Sea Treatments: A Systematic Review


Since biblical times, the Dead Sea, the deepest and most saline lake on earth, has been recognized for its curative and healing virtues. A systematic review of Dead Sea Minerals was to evaluate the quality of evidence supporting the therapeutic claims of Dead Sea treatments for many rheumatologic disorders and psoriasis, as well as to assess the safety of these therapies.


The study discovered credible evidence that Dead Sea treatments are particularly effective for psoriasis due to the unique characteristics of solar ultraviolet radiation in the Dead Sea and the balneotherapy of Dead Sea water.

It has been discovered that Dead Sea mud and Dead Sea balneotherapy are useful for rheumatologic disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and knee osteoarthritis. In the investigation of safety, we discovered no evidence of a rise in skin neoplasia; however, skin actinic damage appears to be enhanced in Dead Sea patients.

Treatments at the Dead Sea do not increase blood pressure. Significant consumption of Dead Sea water (usually in rare cases of near-drowning) is hazardous and can cause heart rhythm problems due to aberrant electrolyte concentrations. Analysis of Dead Sea mud in a laboratory did not uncover any mineral concentrations that could pose a health risk for their intended usage.


Dead Sea treatments are beneficial in several rheumatologic diseases and psoriasis and have a good safety profile.

Work Cited :

Katz, U. PHD . “Scientific Evidence of the Therapeutic Effects of Dead Sea Treatments: A Systematic Review” .

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